What is Seismic Testing?
Seismic testing is a process whereby an image of the subsurface is created using soundwaves generated by an energy source.Seismic Testing is usually done by seismic testing companies.The process is similar to the process of using sonar to map the bottoms of waterways but in this case, seismic testing helps map formations under the surface of land.
Why is seismic testing important to oil and gas production?
Seismic data allows scientist to identify formations that have the characteristics required to hold oil & gas.The data obtained through seismic testing enables the oil and gas companies to locate the most optimum place to drill a well.
What am I agreeing to when I sign the seismic permit?
A seismic permit gives written permission to conduct seismic testing on, across and below your property.It should not be confused with an oil & gas lease or seismic option agreement.It does not allow an oil & gas company to drill a well on your property.
If I sign the permit, how will the test affect my property?
Each seismic test is unique.The test is carefully planned and designed to produce the information needed from the seismic test, while minimizing the amount of time and impact to your property.One of the most important things you can do is to ask the permit agent any questions or concerns you might have, and to have them explain how the test will affect your property specifically.
The test will involve surveying and mapping the proposed seismic lines, energy point and access routes on your property.If necessary, they will identify areas where the line may need to be cleared to offer safe access during the testing.They will place surface markers (usually flags) along the seismic testing lines, at points where the energy waves will be produced, and along access routes.At that point the actual seismic test will be conducted and the sound wave vibrations will be reflected back to the surface and the data will be collected and analyzed.
Does seismic testing involve Fracking?
NO!Seismic testing does not involve Fracking.Hydraulic Fracturing is a process used in the majority of wells in the United States and involves a process of using water, sand and other proppants being pumped underground to create or enhance natural fractures in the rock to help release gas or oil trapped in formation below the ground.